Obfuscation - Obfuscating programs

In the world of computer science: a shadow...  taking everyday more souls
getting everyday more rotten and never ever coming back.

Seducing by the might it gives, by the perenity it promises.  Promising us
celebration, acclamation, elusion, admiration, integration, felicitation.

This is a dark chapter, my friend, of computer science I am about to reveal.
Better be prepared.

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|  _ __ _ _  _  _   _ __  __ _  _______ _ _____ _  _   _ _ _ _   _ ___ _   _   |
| |                                                                          | |
| .      _.-/\    ,-'   ,--.-'                          /    V               ' |
| |     / // /   /_    /    ,   , ,-.__, .-._. -._.-.  /\_. _   __   ._.-.   | |
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| |    \/--'  _/'\_/ /     \__(  --._/  \_.-. |___/ _/     /_ '.___/,' ./    . |
| .                           _.-.___.----.___.-._                    '      | |
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| '  |.    _.------------------------._}{_.------------------------._    .|    |
| |  ||.^-'                            \/                            '-^.||  | |
| .  |||                                                                |||  ' |
| '  ||'                        ~ Obfuscation ~                         '||  ' |
| |  ||                                                                  ||  | |
| '  ||   Make your code more confusing, break the habits of who reads   ||  | |
| .  ||   your program,  add complexity where things should be simple,   ||  | |
| '  ||   until you loose yourself the meaning of what you wrote.        ||  ' |
|    ||   This is obfuscation.   It has the might to break the mind of   ||  ' |
|    ||   the reader of your code, making him feel ignorant,  confused   ||  ' |
| '  ||   of what he reads.   He will ask you  "What the hell have you   ||  . |
|    ||   done!".   Then thou shall answer this spell with conviction:   ||  | |
| '  ||   "What?  Don't you understand?  It is just code.".  The curse   ||  | |
| .  ||   will slowly  reach the  _.--------._  mind  of  the   reader   ||  ' |
| |  ||   first       feeling  ,-'. '  /\  ' .`-.  incompetent for not   ||  ' |
| |  ||   understanding      ,' .     /  \     . `.  what  you  wrote.   ||  . |
| |  ||   This  idea  will ,' .   ~~ / IV \ ~~   . `.  quickly      be   ||  ' |
| |  ||   dismissed,   by /---------/----------------\        another,   ||  . |
| |  ||   more  seducing / '-.  XV / ..--.. \ IX  .-' \     conviction   ||  | |
| |  ||   that     will .  .  '-. /.' /""\ '.\ .-'  .  . reach     the   ||  | |
| '  ||   core  of  the |    ~~  '-.'.\../.'.-'  ~~    |      subject:   ||  ' |
|    ||   He   is   not |  .    /   '-."".-'   \    .  | that  bad  at   ||  ' |
| |  ||   understanding '      / XIII .''.  III \      ' but it is you   ||  ' |
|    ||   that is great  \  ' /    .-'-  -'-.    \ '  / at     writing   ||  . |
|    ||   complex         \  /  .-'  --  --  '-.  \  / software.  This   ||  ' |
| '  ||   image    of   an `/.-'    ---  ---    '-.\' expert will be     ||  | |
| '  ||   your           new `.  o b f u s c a t ,' appearance,    you   ||  | |
| .  ||   will get transformed `-._ b f s a t_,-' in a hero every time   ||  | |
| |  ||   someone needs to debug   `--------'  your  code,   you  will   ||  | |
| |  ||   acquire the reputation of an expert,   will be congratulated   ||  ' |
| '  ||   for your expertise level.   As the code you wrote get harder   ||  . |
| .  ||   to understand for your peers will get irreplaceable whatever   ||  | |
| |  ||   you do.                                                        ||  | |
| |  ||                                                                  ||  | |
| |  ||   All of this illusion will exist as long as you maintain this   ||  | |
| |  ||   continuous same sacrifice:  keep your code obfuscated.         ||  | |
| |  ||.                                                                .||  | |
|    |||                                               <()> <()>        |||  | |
| .  ||'-.                                                            .-'||  ' |
| |  |' ) '._________________________________________________________' ( '|  ' |
| |  '---- ---------  -- --- --------------------------- - ---  - - - ----'  | |
| |______________ _ __ ______________ _ _________________ _  ___ _____ ______| |
  .  . .  . ...  . . .     .   . . . . . .  .. . .. .     .      .   . .  .