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git:// - 1.1

Notmarkdown is a very simple site generator tool, that support a simple subset of markdown in which this document is formatted: notmarkdown.

It supports publication of the same .md files for both http+html and gopher+gph.

This documentation is maintained in the ./doc/ directory of the git repo, and on make site, a build target regenerates the documentation using notmarkdown.

How to use it?

The notmarkdown(1) tool will search for *.md files in all $srcdir passed as arguments, and each file $path/file.$ext found, gets copied to the matching $dstdir/$path/file.$ext directory.

$ notmarkdown-html >index.html
$ notmarkdown-gph >index.gph

This converts only the content, and adding a header can be done with cat:

$ notmarkdown-html | cat head.html - >index.html
$ notmarkdown-gph | cat head.gph - >index.gph

How to get it?

$ git clone git://
$ cd notmarkdown
$ make PREFIX=/usr/local MANPREFIX=/usr/local/man install

How does it work?

It does not support editing files directly through the website: it is one shell script calling one awk script on every page, generating a site in one of these formats:

To add a new converter backend, add in $PATH a script called notmarkdown-$ext that reads notmarkdown from stdin and sends the targetted format to stdout. For instance, a notmarkdown-txt backend that print the document unchanged or a notmarkdown-pdf aiming paper publication.

Strip the protocol part (http:, https:, gopher:) from all your own links, and eventually remove the domain name as well.

// and /wiki/ both get mapped to:

So instead of /wiki/, use /wiki/page-name/, and use links to /wiki/page-name/ (with a trailing /, important for markdown-gph(1)).

How to handle HTTP vHosts on Gopher?

No vHosts on Gopher: multiple domains with the same destination point to the same website, unlike the Web where you can redirect them as you wish.

For instance if // and // point to the same server, geomyidae(1) will pick the same /index.gph for both. A solution is to always use prefixes, like // or //

Is notmarkdown different from Markdown?

notmarkdown is Markdown without nesting and HTML. This avoids all edge cases.

For instance, there is a good support for escaping and `backtick` quoting. See notmarkdown(5) for full description.